
Chat about their new single Repeat It and what Mick Jagger would have been if he wasn't a rockstar.

PINNIES: So first of all, how did you guys meet?

BYRON: Brock and I met through a music business course we were both doing back in 2018, and we instantly hit it off. We had the same music taste and shared a mutual passion for live music, which ultimately kick started our friendship. Brock later introduced me to our drummer Harry at the notorious Melbourne nightclub Revs – which is a super strange place to meet a person at the best of times, but I reckon I won him over when I climbed the DJ cage to the ceiling and somehow didn’t die (which, considering the state I was in, is an absolute miracle).

It wasn’t until later on that we all met Declan through mutual mates, and he’s been the perfect addition to COLTER ever since our first jam. 

PINNIES: What’s the story behind your new single, Repeat It?

BYRON: Repeat It is a real Frankenstein of a song. Each part was originally it’s own unfinished tune that we decided to stitch together one afternoon. You’ll probably notice that the song ebbs and flows from start to finish with subtle key and tempo changes, and that’s just the product of merging 4 or 5 songs together. Even lyrically this one was a challenge to find the middle ground between all the stray verses, bridges and choruses, but we’re very proud of how all those bits and pieces gel seamlessly together. I won’t dive too much into the details of what the lyrics are about, but I’ll just say that it’s about an unpleasant start to a relationship. 

PINNIES: On the topic of repeating things, what tracks have you had on repeat recently?

BYRON: We listen to a LOT of Noah Dillon, his track That’s Just How I Feel was both Brock’s and mine third most streamed song this year. So I guess that’s probably a band favourite at the moment. 

PINNIES: I love with the guitar line in the chorus of Repeat It, was it inspired by anything in particular?

BYRON: The chorus pretty much came about out of necessity, acting as a binder to try and tie all the other sections of the song together. But I suppose you could say the guitar tone was a bit inspired by Fence Sitter by Ball Park Music. I was going through a bit of a phase of listening to that song when we wrote it. I don’t know how much that shows in the end result, but it played its small role in the writing process. 

PINNIES: Are there any musicians or artists that you find really interesting solely because of their personality?

Byron: I think AURORA has a pretty interesting personality. She's just very unapologetically herself and that interview she did with Triple J a couple of years ago is something else. 

PINNIES: What’s 2022 got in store for the band?

BYRON: At this stage we’re looking to release an E.P in the early half of the year, and then hopefully (assuming COVID allows it) a cheeky lil tour through VIC and NSW. Pretty keen for what the new year will bring, so be sure to keep an ear out for some new tunes. 

PINNIES: And an important question to finish things off: If Mick Jagger wasn’t a musician, what would he have been?

BYRON: Probably just a super eccentric plumber or something low key.

Check out COLTER's second single "Repeat It" below. Why not even save it to you latest playlist?


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